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Article: Plant hair colors and light - hair shine

Pflanzenhaarfarben und Licht - lass Dein strahlen mit Pflanzenhaarfarbe

Plant hair colors and light - hair shine

Herbal hair colors and light


Through my videos and photos I noticed how uniquely plant hair colors reflect in the light. The tannic acid of the plants in the herbal hair color ideally closes the cuticle layer of the hair and makes it very smooth. This allows the light to refract optimally on the hair surface and gives the hair an incomparable shine and shimmer.

Here our summer blonde in the shade

Before the color on the left and after the color on the right in the room light

Before the color on the left and after the color on the right - in outside light

Here in this example you can see it perfectly. In the shade, our Summerblond is a golden blonde. In the sunlight, our summer blonde shines into a fiery Titian. Depending on the light, the eye perceives the color differently. Amazing and fascinating.

You can see this effect particularly well in the last picture: some of the hair looks blonde in the shade and reddish in the sun❣❣❣❣

Here the summer blonde in the front in the shade and in the back in the sunlight

Note on summer blonde : the longer you leave it on, the more golden-copper it becomes


Thank you Marieke for your pictures 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Let your hair shine in the light too ❣❣❣
💋 Diana

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