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Article: Allergy success story part 2

Erfolgsgeschichte Allergie Teil 2

Allergy success story part 2

We are repeatedly contacted by customers suffering from allergies who react to conventional hair colors and would like to find a solution at This encourages me to work with you to find the right hair color that you can really tolerate. Then we will be very happy!!!!

Here is Tina's success story.

First of all, thank you Tina for allowing me to write about it and for making your pictures available to me. Kind regards and a big hug from us!!!!

Tina has an allergy to:

- Fragrances and dyes

- PPD and PTD

-Oxidants in chemical hair colors.

These substances are of course not contained in our herbal hair colors. My husband and I mix these freshly by hand. We use organic plant raw materials without additives and of course everything is chemical-free. You could eat the plant pulp without hesitation.

Tina and I chose a suitable tone for her in my live consultation . Then I sent her 2 shades as a small sample for the patch test.

The patch test goes like this:

The powder is mixed with water, applied to the inside of the upper arm and covered with a plaster that adheres to all 4 sides. The paste then remains on the arm for 24 hours and no water should get on it.

Then we wash up and see what has happened. Most of the time, the skin only reacts to the adhesive strips on the plaster, but not to our hair color.

This was also the case with Tina: no reaction to our herbal hair color!!!

So we could be sure that she could use the color without any concerns.

And then she did that and got a super nice color result!!!

Dear Tina, we are happy that we could help you!

If you also have an allergy, please contact us. We will support you in finding a suitable and compatible color for you.

💋Diana from ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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