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Article: Hydroxyapatite - a healthy replacement for fluoride

Hydroxylapatit - alsbgesunden Ersatz für Flourid

Hydroxyapatite - a healthy replacement for fluoride


Are you looking for a fluoride-free organic toothpaste?

Studies have shown that hydroxyapatite is also able to reduce plaque and therefore improve dental and oral health.
Hydroxyapatite is absorbed by the teeth and fills the enamel cracks caused by demineralization.
In contrast to fluoride, hydroxyapatite works as follows: Remineralizes tooth enamel from the inside, reaching the innermost part of a tooth cavity. Binds to plaque and harmful bacteria in our mouth.
Hydroxyapatite also counteracts the demineralization of the teeth by releasing calcium during bacterial acid attacks , which neutralizes the acids and keeps the pH value in the mouth normal. The tooth enamel is remineralized and tooth decay is prevented.

Our Zahnliebe toothpaste contains over 87% pure organic aloe vera!
The aloe vera plant can have a very good disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. That's why our popular toothpaste is ideal for gum problems !

Remineralization also causes tooth decay to decrease significantly. Caries bacteria find less hold on the tooth surface.
Get freshness and health into your mouth. Have fun brushing your teeth!
💋 Diana from ❤️

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