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Article: The first German vocational school teaches with our herbal hair colors

Die erste deutsche Berufsbildende Schule unterrichtet mit unseren Pflanzenhaarfarben

The first German vocational school teaches with our herbal hair colors

The first German vocational school teaches with our herbal hair colors
I was so happy when the lovely teacher Anna Frese asked for our herbal hair colors for practical lessons at her vocational school!!!
This has been my dream for so long, as I studied to become a vocational school teacher at the TU Darmstadt and also worked as a teacher at the vocational school for a year.
Teaching is a great thing and if the Thats-me-organic plant hair colors can also be included, then of course it's doubly so!!!
I'm also so happy that the topic of plant hair colors is finally being introduced into a vocational school!
Many thanks to the commercial vocational schools in Grafschaft Bentheim🙏
Nice to have you!!!
Anna Frese has planned a really great practical lesson in the career entry school on the subject of herbal hair coloring, with a number of learning stations in which the students could research the effects of herbal hair coloring.
How does chemical-free hair color feel? How do the individual color nuances work on the different color depths? They were able to research all of this themselves using training heads.
For example, a blonde herbal hair color stays lighter on white hair than on dark blonde hair, or a red becomes much stronger on blonde hair than on brown hair.
Dark hair cannot be dyed lighter, but white hair can always be dyed darker!
A different principle than with chemical hair color, but just as effective and, above all, free of chemicals, 100% purely natural and healthy.
I say a big THANK YOU to Anna Frese and the commercial vocational schools in Grafschaft Bentheim🙏
It's nice that you're giving the students the opportunity to gain experience with herbal hair colors, really great!!!
From the heart ❤️
Diana from 💋

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