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Die erste deutsche Berufsbildende Schule unterrichtet mit unseren Pflanzenhaarfarben

The first German vocational school teaches with our herbal hair colors

Die erste deutsche Berufsbildende Schule unterrichtet mit unseren Pflanzenhaarfarben

The first German vocational school teaches with our herbal hair colors

The first German vocational school teaches with our herbal hair colors I was so happy when the lovely teacher Anna Frese asked for our herbal hair colors for practical lessons at her voc...

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Hautprobleme Adé - Tipps bei Akne, Ekzemen und Unreinheiten

Goodbye skin problems - tips for acne, eczema and impurities

Thats me organic helps with skin problems Our Detox Face Set , consisting of high-quality organic products, is your solution for effective facial care and the treatment of skin impuri...

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Behandlung und Pflege bei Rosazea

Treatment and care for rosacea

Do you suffer from rosacea? And are you looking for the right care products for you? What is Rosacea? Rosacea typically occurs on the face and is an inflammatory skin disease that predominantl...

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Hydroxylapatit - alsbgesunden Ersatz für Flourid

Hydroxyapatite - a healthy replacement for fluoride

STOP FLUORIDE ⭕️ Are you looking for a fluoride-free organic toothpaste? Studies have shown that hydroxyapatite is also able to reduce plaque and therefore improve dental and oral hea...

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Unsere neue gesunde Bio-Sonnencreme ist fertig - Schutz  & Pflege ohne Giftstoffe

Our new healthy organic sunscreen is ready - protection & care

Yay!!! We did it: we created an organic sunscreen with SPF 30 and all WITHOUT titanium dioxide! Certified organic , vegan, waterproof, highly effective, no white effect and of course no cruelty (n...

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Tiefenreinigung die Lösung für viele Kopfhautprobleme und Vorbehandlung vor Deiner Pflanzenhaarfarbe

Deep cleansing is the solution to many scalp problems and pre-treatment before your herbal hair color

I would like to present you a new product: our deep cleaning. 👉 Ideal before using herbal hair color to remove unwanted residue and deposits in your hair. Are you currently switching your chem...

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Bio-Naturkosmetik versus herkömmliche Kosmetik-Gesundheit für Deine Haut & Deine Haare

Organic natural cosmetics versus conventional cosmetic health for your skin & hair

What actually speaks for buying organic natural cosmetics? If you think carefully about the substances that you put on your body and hair every day, then you will probably come to the conclusion t...

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Thats me organic® unterstützt den Verein Ozeankind® für plastikfreie Meere

Thats me organic® supports the Oceankind® association for plastic-free seas

Hello, my dears! Thanks to your numerous suggestions, which we took very seriously, we have drawn up a life cycle assessment for our packaging material. We spent a long time deciding in which pack...

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Vorurteil Pflanzenhaarfarbe: Henna macht die Haare trocken - Irrtum!

Prejudice plant hair color: Henna makes the hair dry - mistake!

Hello, my dears, I'm often asked whether henna dries out my hair. Or people are confused by statements from other hairdressers who work with chemicals that herbal hair color would make their hai...

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Das neue Wunderserum - Skin Love Kombination aus Wildrosenöl - Aloe Vera - Hyaluron

The nourishing wild rose oil & the hyaluronic facial serum - my favorite care combination

My wild rose dream 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Finest organic wild rose oil My personal favorite care oil I love the scent and the delicate care film it leaves on my skin. Wild rose oil nouri...

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