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NEW: Anti split ends set
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Our anti-split ends set, especially for you, contains two wonderful products that will help you keep your hair healthy and split-end-free. With our Aloe Vera Splash and hair tip love you can care for and pamper your hair.
ORGANIC Aloe Vera Splash 3in1 Hair-Face-Body 100ml natural cosmetics: Our Aloe Vera Splash is a versatile product that moisturizes and revitalizes your hair. You can lightly spray it on your skin or hair to moisturize and soften it. Use it after showering or even in between to give your hair and skin a boost of freshness. The ORGANIC aloe vera in this product has beneficial properties and helps keep your hair healthy. It is the perfect Companion to prevent split ends and keep your hair radiant. It's also like superfood for your scalp, especially if you're dealing with hair loss!
ORGANIC Skin & Hair Tips Love 2in1 Protect & Repair 30ml simply magic: Our skin and hair tip lover is specially developed to care for the ends of your hair and prevent split ends. Simply massage a small amount into your hair ends to nourish and protect. The high-quality ingredients in Hair Tip Love, such as organic argan oil and wheat germ oil, help keep your hair tips healthy and strong. You will feel the difference when your hair is soft, smooth and free of split ends. Your scalp will also be happy if you massage it in directly! A real treat for your scalp over one night!
Recommended use:
First you can use our ORGANIC Aloe Vera Splash 3in1 Hair-Face-Body 100ml natural cosmetics use. You simply spray it on your hair and let it work. It can make your hair appear more beautiful, shinier and with fewer split ends.
Tip: massage the freshly applied ORGANIC Aloe Vera Splash 3in1 Hair-Face-Body 100ml natural cosmetics into your wet or dry hair to achieve maximum volume and shine. Revitalize your curls and add bounce to your curls!
As a last step, you can simply knead our ORGANIC Skin & Hair Tips Love 2in1 Protect & Repair 30ml magically into your still damp hair tips to reduce split ends and care for your hair tips. But it's also great to use on dry hair without weighing it down!
With our anti-split ends set you can take care of your hair and protect it from damage. You deserve to keep your hair healthy and shiny, and this set is the ideal way to do just that. Give your hair the love and care it deserves and say no to split ends!
Tipp: massiere das Frisch aufgetragene BIO-Aloe Vera Splash 3in1 Hair-Face-Body 100ml Naturkosmetik in deine nassen oder trockenen Haare ein, um maximales Volumen und Glan zu erzielen. Belebe Deine Locken neu und bringe dadurch Sprungkraft in Deine Curls!
Als letzten schritt kannst du unsere BIO-Haut- & Haarspitzen-Liebe 2in1 Protect & Repair 30ml einfach magic in Deine noch feuchten Haarspitzen einkneten, um Spliss zu reduzieren und Deine Haarspitzen zu Pflegen. Aber auch im trockenen Haar ist es super anzuwenden, ohne zu beschweren!
BIO-Haut- & Haarspitzen-Liebe 2in1 Protect & Repair 30ml einfach magic: Unsere Haut-und Haarspitzenliebe ist speziell entwickelt, um die Spitzen Deiner Haare zu pflegen und Spliss zu verhindern. Einfach eine kleine Menge in Deine Haarspitzen einmassieren, um sie zu nähren und zu schützen. Die hochwertigen Inhaltsstoffe in Haarspitzenliebe, wie Bio-Arganöl und Weizenkeimöl, tragen dazu bei, Deine Haarspitzen gesund und kräftig zu halten. Du wirst den Unterschied spüren, wenn Deine Haare weich, glatt und frei von Spliss sind. Auch Deine Kopfhaut wird sich freuen, wenn Du sie direkt einmassierst! Über eine Nacht eine wahre Wohltat für Deine Kopfhaut!
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