The “Scatter Peter” for the dry shampoo solution

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The “Scatter Peter” for the dry shampoo solution
Our new refillable "Sstreu-Peter" is a glass and stainless steel spreader that can be adjusted to different dosages. The combination of V2A stainless steel and glass makes it perfect for the bathroom and can be cleaned quickly if necessary. We developed it specifically for use with our volume miracle.
Dimensions: approx. 50x90mm with screw-off lid for filling
Material: V2A stainless steel (outside), glass inner container
Scope of delivery: Streu-Peter can be refilled without contents - buy our volume miracle
Instructions: Use the sprinkler container to sprinkle the powder onto the roots and spread it a little with your fingers. Do not rinse! Recommended amount of powder 2-3 grams (equivalent to approx. one teaspoon)
Note: The application takes place WITHOUT water! Please be careful not to get the dry shampoo into your eyes as they have a different pH value than your eyes and it could cause irritation or stinging.
Lagere bitte das Pulver und den mit Pulver gefüllten Streupeter trocken und am besten in einem Raum der keine so hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit hat wie das Bad. Durch die Luftfeuchtigkeit kann das Pulver verklumpen.
V2A Edelstahl (außen), Innenbehältnis Glas
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